Random Stuff

These are really good. These are for entertainment only. I am not responsible for your actions.


Eat Poo

This requires peanut buter, chocolate syrup, a dog, and good acting. Put some peanut butter and chocolate in a bowl and mix it up. Somehow mold it to look like dog poo or diarreha and clean a spot on the floor and put it there. When somebody walks by and expresses that that they are disgusted you say "I'll get it" then pick it up and lick it.


Tasty Toothbrush

Put salt or garlic on somebody's toothbrush, set back and watch what faces they make.


All wet

Before somebody gets in the shower point the shower head out of the tub and they go to take a shower they will most likely be squirted with cold water.


 Colorfull teeth

Put any color food coloring on somebodys toothbrush and a little salt so when they brush their teeth their teeth will change colors for a while



Glue the shampoo to the tub

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